Swiss Embassy continues to choose IQAir

Switzerland is often listed at the top of the most livable countries in the world in global rankings. Its reputation is synonymous with words like "contentment," "high quality," and "integrity."

Following its country’s lead the Swiss Embassy in Beijing wanted to set a high standard for livability by providing a comfortable working environment for its staff. To accomplish that goal, the delegacy has chosen IQAir to create a clean air indoor environment since 2017.

Specific targets set

The Swiss Embassy in China needed to ensure that the air quality of the ambassador’s residence, the staff office area, and the public indoor area obtained the highest standards in air quality including:

  • Indoor embassy air quality that meets the safety standards of the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Whether it's a smoggy day or during pollen season, employees can always work at ease.
  • Ensure there’s no indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde present after renovations
An air quality test of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants for the embassy was provided and a guidance data report was generated.

IQAir ensured a healthy breathing environment in the embassy through the following steps:

Step 1: IQAir professional air purification consultants, engineers, and technicians made a comprehensive assessment and provided suggestions on the air quality tailored to the embassy’s needs.

Step 2: An air quality test of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants for the embassy was provided and a guidance data report was generated.

Step 3: Because the embassy is helping protect people from PM2.5 and in order to minimize renovation pollutants, a HealthPro Plus air purifier was customized.

Step 4: Door-to-door service, delivery, installation, and training for employees was part of the plan.

Step 5: During the use period, regular maintenance and inspection was provided, as well as IQAir’s continuous attention to the embassy’s air quality.

The Swiss Embassy in China has not only improved the work efficiency of its employees, but also greatly improved their job satisfaction.

In recognition of IQAir products and services, the Swiss Embassy in China has sequentially purchased more than 100 sets of the IQAir HealthPro Plus and other air purifiers for use in embassies and diplomatic residences for the past five years.

With the increase in the number of purchases and the continuous professional services of IQAir, the Swiss Embassy in China has not only improved the work efficiency of its employees, but also greatly improved their job satisfaction. Moreover, visitors participating in various activities in the embassy or official residence also experience the excellent air quality and demonstrated Swiss quality.

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