IQAir News

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Air quality in your closet

From small spaces to luxurious walk-ins, closets make life easier and help organize our homes and our clothes. But closets can also be a significant source of indoor air pollution. Read More >

The truth about e-cigarettes

Cigarette smoking kills 7 million people a year. Learn how e-cigarettes keep smokers using nicotine. Read More >

Can flying make you sick?

One of the most common worries is catching a bug from a fellow traveler and coming down with a cold, the flu — or worse. Studies show that airline passengers are more likely to catch a cold during a flight than in their daily lives. Read More >

Your laminate floor could be toxic

Some laminate flooring may contain unsafe levels of cancer-causing formaldehyde. Learn more. Read More >

Is your heating system ready for winter?

Here are eight questions you can ask yourself to help you make sure your heating system is ready for the coming months. Read More >

Scientists confirm allergy season is really getting longer, more severe

Allergy season is getting longer and more intense every year, with spring allergies starting about two weeks earlier than usual. Learn more. Read More >

How to choose a safe mosquito repellent

As a result over concerns about the Zika virus, sales of some popular products rose as much as 150% over the previous year. Unfortunately, many insecticides and bug sprays contain dangerous chemicals that pose new dangers to human health. Read More >

Secondhand smoke and Indoor Air Quality

Secondhand smoke is a dangerous and avoidable indoor air quality problem. Learn how to help protect yourself from over 7,000 known carcinogens in smoke. Read More >

Air purifiers, pollution and obesity

New research on mice links air pollution to obesity and an increased risk of diabetes. Read More >

Air pollution, stress and your health

Scientists are discovering that poor air quality – air pollution – plays a role in increasing stress. They have also discovered that chronic stress leaves your body more susceptible to the damaging effects of air pollution. Read More >

2 billion children breathing unsafe outdoor air worldwide

Unicef report highlights unique vulnerability of children to air pollution globally Read More >

Is mercury vapor released during dental procedures?

Learn more about the symptoms of mercury toxicity and how to prevent mercury vapor released during dental procedures. Read More >

