Wildfire smoke travels farther than you think

Researchers discovered that rural wildfire smoke drifts farther from its source than was previously thought. Examining satellite data to track the movement and dispersal of smoke plumes, they found that wildfire smoke drifts at a very high altitude, eventually reaching distant urban centers and interacting with other pollutants to create elevated ozone levels far from the fire source.

Previous studies had found that wildfires release nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons that contribute to elevated ozone levels, but those effects were seen mostly in rural areas, not distant urban centers far removed from the fires. Elevated ozone levels are a major health concern, particularly in urban areas. Breathing ozone can trigger a variety of negative health effects, including coughing, throat irritation and congestion in healthy people. Furthermore, ozone can also worsen symptoms of bronchitis, emphysema and asthma.

Wildfires and heart attacks

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association reported evidence of a connection between wildfire smoke particles and acute heart disease, including cardiac arrest. Smoke particles that are 2.5 microns or less in diameter (known as “fine” particles) in particular were found to be associated with a short-term increased risk of cardiac arrest. The study also found an increase in emergency-department hospital visits associated with exposure to fine smoke particles from wildfires.

Although other studies have previously established the link between fine smoke particles and respiratory problems such as asthma, this study clarifies the link between wildfire smoke and heart disease. Specifically, the study reported a 6.9% increase in cardiac arrests during a two-month period as a result of exposure to wildfire smoke particles near Victoria, Australia. The increase was most strongly associated with men and with people more than 65 years old. Increases were also found in other forms of heart disease.

How to protect yourself from wildfire smoke

Unfortunately, the frequency and severity of wildfires in much of the U.S. is expected to continue growing in the coming years. Therefore, there are precautions you should be ready to take if wildfires occur in your area. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Protect your indoor air. Keep windows and doors closed. If you use an air conditioner, be sure to keep the fresh-air intake closed. A high-performance air purifier for wildfire smoke, such as the IQAir HealthPro Plus, will help remove smoke particles of all sizes from the indoor air. The HealthPro Plus will also help control ozone levels. This is critical if you live in an urban area downwind (even remotely) from wildfires.

  2. Remain indoors as much as possible. Indoors is often the best place to be when wildfire smoke is affecting your area. This is especially true for those with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children.

  3. Wear a mask outdoors. A paper dust mask or surgical mask is not sufficient to help protect you against inhaling particles. Instead, choose a respirator mask with aKN95 certification like the IQAir Maskto help protect against smoke particles.

  4. Avoid activities that further pollute the indoor air. Avoid burning candles, using the fireplace, or even vacuuming (unless you own a high-performance HEPA vacuum cleaner). All of these can otherwise become additional sources of indoor air pollutants.

Thistrend is likely to continue, and wildfires are likely to be a health concern for areas far downwind from where wildfires burn. More than ever, It is important to know what steps to take when remote or nearby wildfires affect the air quality where you live.

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