IQAir News

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How industrial pollution affects air quality

Refineries, mills, mines, and manufacturing plants can all emit dangerous airborne pollutants. See how industrial pollution can affect air quality and health. Read More >

Wildfire Map Spotlight: Wildcat Fire in Arizona

There is a wildfire in Tonto National Forest near Phoenix. Find out more about this fast-growing fire. Read More >

Wildfire Map Spotlight: Parker Lake Wildfire

The Parker Lake wildfire in British Columbia has triggered a city-wide evacuation in Canada and created air quality alerts across Canada and the northern Midwest. Find out more about this fire. Read More >

Comprender la calidad del aire interior

Descubra por qué la calidad del aire interior varía según la habitación y cómo controlarla para conseguir un hogar más saludable. Más información. Read More >

Humo de quema de cultivos: Una amenaza para la salud mundial

La quema de cultivos es una práctica común en todo el mundo, y el humo de los incendios agrícolas puede tener un impacto terrible en nuestra salud. Lea para entender mejor por qué.

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How dust storms affect air quality

Dust storms can pose a sudden health hazard by limiting visibility and filling the air with pollutants. See how dust storms can affect air quality and health. Read More >

Volcanic Eruption Map Spotlight: Mount Ruang, Indonesia

A volcanic eruption on an Indonesian island has triggered evacuations. See how this event may impact regional air quality. Read More >

Greece Air Quality Alert: Orange skies over Athens

A plume of Saharan dust has blanketed Athens, Greece. See how this dust storm event is impacting air quality. Read More >

New EPA annual PM2.5 air quality standards expected to save lives

Science-based public policy and innovative technologies means that more Americans will benefit from reduced pollutant exposure. Find out why.

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Indoor Air Quality Alert: Dubai Flooding

Flash flooding and torrential rains have disrupted life in Dubai. Find out why flooding may become a regional indoor air quality issue.

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Indoor Air Quality Alert: Gulf Coast U.S. Flooding

Intense storms have caused flooding all along the U.S. Gulf Coast. See how this weather can impact indoor air quality.

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Revelar lo invisible: Investigación sobre sensores de calidad del aire en Ghana

Un ambicioso proyecto pretende ampliar la huella de la vigilancia de la calidad del aire en África. Descubra cómo.

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